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Acting and Videography
Here is my theatre
resume, you can find all my work on my IMdB page, and here are a few samples of stuff I self-produced (so the quality is far more amateur than I'd like):
Voiceover work
- Start here for a professionally recorded and engineered demo reel (recorded by Mark Rosato at Big Science Music)
- More than a demo reel, this is a
random selection of low-bandwidth extemporized samples of the various voices I can create.
There's a high-pitched whine in there — I don't know where it came
from, this was all done low-budget anyway. But it will give you an idea of
my vocal range.
More samples,
many of the MP3s contain multiple voices
(really, they're all me) and sometimes a few takes for variation.
- Selected Experience:
- I voiced the narrator and all the characters in Sherlock Mysteries
an interactive game for Android phones and tablets. There are 8 episodes so far, with the 9th and 10th in production.
- I performed Yiddish and Eastern European voices for assorted exhibits at the National Museum of American Jewish History
- Epileprechaun, a comedy podcast with many varied voice characterizations.
- In Episode 1: the voices of Dick Cheney and the Strip Club
announcer (sketch starts at 04:53), PBS Annnouncer (11:15), News
Intro Announcer (15:40) and Randy Felcher (16:04).
You can hear Episode 1
- In Episode 2: the voice of the conference call leader (Carolina
drawl) and Hebrew chant (sketch starts at 07:51).
You can hear Episode 2
- In Episode 3: three voices in New York Times sales pitch (starting
at 1:03, 1:08, and 1:43), voice of the genie/djinn (starting at 2:22),
Secret Service agent (starting at 5:53) and Ariel Sharon (05:59), and
psychiatrist (sketch starts at 09:46).
You can hear Episode 3
- In Late Breaking News: the voice of the announcer, opening the
sketch. It's my "real" voice for a change.
You can hear Breaking News
- In Dick Joke: the voice of Dick Cheney (the second voice you
You can hear Dick Joke
- In A Very Cheney Thanksgiving: the voice of Dick Cheney (I
guess they like my Cheney impression).
You can hear A Very
Cheney Thanksgiving
- In Episode 4: the voices of the nightclub announcer
(starting at 01:59), Winny the Pooh (08:37), German translator (12:20)
and Florian from Kraftwerk (12:59, a High German/Hamburg accent)
You can hear Episode 4
- In Episode 5: the voices of the Moderator of The
Philosopher's Circle (03:24, high British accent), BBC Narrator (08:17,
lowlands English accent)), Kenny the Waiter (16:03, a rather effeminate
fast-talker) and the weird Laurie Anderson-like music (16:32). Kenny
the waiter was not digitally compressed - I really spoke that fast!
You can hear Episode 5
- Pravda, a (now defunct) bar in Dublin.
Russian voice characterizations.
- Speech
Smuggler, an interactive game on TellMe (
call 1-800-555-TELL, ask
for "extensions", and get extension 16666) TellMe extensions
are no longer available.
- Harmonic Convergence and Departures CDs with
In Acchord, a mixed
voice a cappella group (1996-present). In addition to
singing on it, I was also executive producer of Departures.
- Pittsburgh TheatreSports, an improvisational comedy troupe (1990-1996).
Available accents
Accents (accurate):
- Russian (Muscovite)
- Australian (NSW, QLD)
- New Zealand
- New York (Brooklyn, Bronx)
- Indian (Northern)
- Pakistani
Accents (approximate):
- Irish
- English (upper-class, Liverpudlian)
- German (northern, Hoch Deutsch high-German)
- Yiddish
- Arabic (Egyptian, Palestinian)
- Israeli
- South African
- American (Carolina, Georgia, Minnesota, Texas, Boston, etc.)
- Let me converse with an accented speaker for a few minutes, and I will quickly give
you a passable impression. Let me converse for half an hour, and I will get pretty darn close!
Accents (caricature):
- French
- Italian
- Gibberish (assorted)
Foreign Languages Spoken (in order of ability):
- Russian
- German
- French
- Greek
- Italian
Vocal Range: low Bass (G below low C) to middle Tenor (3-octave singing range)