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How to contact me

Phone +1 412-370-0862
Email daniel.v.klein@gmail.com
PGP Key I wanted to be a "nexus of trust", so I have a lot of signatures on it. Consequently, it is rather large. Get it here.
Telephone +1 412-422-0285 (rarely answered, but messages listened to)
+1 412-370-0862 (cell)
Postal Mail Daniel V. Klein
5606 Northumberland
Pittsburgh, PA 15217-1238
Geek Mail I'm a geek and a hacker, and I wanted a single address that worked for all kind of letters. So you can address either electronic or physical mail to this address, and I'll get it: daniel.klein@5606.northumberland.pgh.pa.us (15217-1238)
GPS N40.441242456 W79.927382469 (WGS84) map and satellite photo

Omigod, aren't you afraid to give out all this personal information?

No, not at all. I've lived in the same house since 1980 - anyone can just look in the phone book, or the Allegheny County Real Estate website, or just Google me (like my Social Security Number, passwords, or anything else I need to keep private). So no, I'm not afraid. Besides, my life is pretty much an open book - I have built my reputation on honesty.